Does mixed grip Deadlift cause Imbalances?

Deadlifting is one of the best exercises you can do. As with any compound exercise, you are working for multiple muscle groups at once while also doing high volume training.

The mixed grip is the most used and popular exercise grip while doing deadlifts. Is it the best grip?

Mixed grip deadlift can cause imbalances in certain muscle groups, including biceps, lats, traps, and lower back. It also put you at a higher risk for injury by causing a weak link in the kinetic chain. A mixed grip deadlifting technique is best for your 1 rep max or 1-3 reps of 80% of your max. The mIxed grip is only occasionally recommended because it allows for you to lift more weight but the double overhand or hook grip is superior.

Which style is best for deadlifting?

I’ve always used the mixed grip style and more of a hook grip while doing Romanian deadlifts, but have always wondered which way is truly the best. The goal of this post is to bring you the differences between mixed and hook grip for deadlifts.

A mixed grip style is where one palm is facing out and when facing in when you grip the bar (One palm is pronated while the other is supinated.) Deadlifting is a pulling type of exercise that involves a lot of it’s motions around your grip strength.

The big benefit of the mixed grip verse the hook grip is it keeps the bar from moving out of your hands. While the hook or double overhand grip is quite the opposite.

Let’s get real nerdy on the differences yet making it simple and understandable. Using the mixed grip can p[otentially cause some muscle imbalance because of the grip and what happens with the body mechanics during the lift.

Using the mixed grip for deadlifting will cause a shift in form, such as a small twist while lifting on the way up. With one palm facing out and the other in will cause some movement with rolling back.

I do use the mixed grip sometimes but it can cause muscle imbalances if used frequently. if you do it occasionally will it be the end of the world, no.

From here on out it’s best if you use the hook grip. The downside of the hook grip is it’s just plain harder but better for you in the long run.

While the hook grip may be harder at first it is building symmetry, injury prevention, and strength.

The hook grip is superior then the popular mixed grip technique while deadlifting. The mixed grip can cause a weak link in the kinetic chain.

What muscles could be affected by the mixed grip?

One of the main reasons is to switch to a hook grip verse a mixed grip while deadlifting is because of muscle imbalances. The whole goal of exercising is to be more functional and to prevent imbalances.

I’ve trained for a long time and it’s pretty common for most to get muscle imbalances if you aren’t using proper form. Such a small tweak as your hand grip technique while deadlifting can make the world of a difference in the outcome.

The biggest muscles affected by imbalances are lats, biceps, traps, and your lower back. to solve this issue is simply done just by changing your technique, such as using the hook grip.

Using the hook technique will help prevent any type of muscle imbalances while making your grip strength stronger. That’s a win, win to me.

Muscle imbalances mean possible injuries from the mixed grip. It can cause a lot of damage on your elbow, shoulder, and biceps over time. The biggest issue with the mixed grip is causing forward external rotation with the shoulder.

Muscle group imbalances could be caused by the mixed grip while deadlifting. Muscle groups include biceps, traps, lats, and lower back.

Should I ever use a mixed grip again?

While it may seem like I’m completely saying never ever do the mixed grip technique again, that’s wrong. I love the mixed grip mainly because that’s how I started and most other when it comes to deadlifting.

It was also natural for me to do a mixed grip because let’s just face it, it’s easier and therefore can help you lift more weight. The downside of the hook grip is it’s just plain harder but better for you in the long run.

it’s best to us the grip strength technique when you are trying to max out such on the deadlift. That’s really about the only time I would ever recommend it.

You could also focus on using mixed grip while training with 1-3 reps of 80% or more. It’s just not necessary to do while doing high volume training of anything less than 50% of your 1 rep max. that just causes a bigger risk of muscle imbalances.

Weight lifting should once again be improving deficiencies or muscle imbalances and not help by creating them. You should be doing compound exercise movements to improve the weak links, daily movements, and improve neurological effects.

It’s best to use a mixed grip for doing your 1 rep max or heavier weight. The reason being, is you are able to lift more weight with a mixed grip technique.

Why the double overhand grip is better for Deadlifting

The double overhand grip is harder because you will not be able to lift as much weight, but will get other advantages. Such as a more symmetrical technique for the lift but also making your body stronger and protecting against injuries.

It’s also better for improving muscle imbalances instead of causing them. There are some interesting proven benefits out there of just your overall health and longevity of your grip strength and will be improved by the double overhand style.

You should start including the hook grip into your programs to help with improved symmetrical strength through and stability in you core as well as the hips and shoulders.

Advantages of double overhand grip are making grip stronger and improve muscle recruitment while negating muscle imbalances and injury prevention.

The best form to incorporate the Double overhand grip Technique

  • Start with placing your feet lined up with your hips
  • Rest your arms by your sides with elbows being straight
  • Extend your thumbs from the side s of your legs
  • Extending your thumbs is helping to find the distance for hand placement

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

I’ve always used the mixed grip for deadlifting, it’s just easier and you can lift more weight. However. it should only be used when doing 1 rpm or 1-3 reps. It can help you lift more weight but will cause more problems if used on a regular basis. Problems such a injuries and muscle imbalances. The overhand double grip is recommended because it prevents injuries and has a more symmetrical muscle recruiting pattern. The overhand grip while harder, in the beginning, should be used more regularly.

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