Push-pull body split vs Full body split: Which is better?

Which workout is better between the push-pull leg versus the total body exercise? They’re both good for getting results and increasing muscle and they both have different pros and cons.

The full-body Split is it great for beginners or for those who are busy dads and don’t have a lot of time to spend working out in the gym. With a full-body split, you will be focusing on the majority of compound weight lifting exercises.

The Push/Pull/Leg workout is great because it allows for more volume and frequency. This type of lifting is based around focussing on one movement per day and allowing rest for the other muscles not being worked.

Which Type of Training is Better?

Push/Pull/Leg Exercise

As mentioned previously before this type of routine is based around one particular movement for these exercises. When you’re doing your push days you are focusing on the chest, shoulders, and triceps. On the pull days, you will be focusing on your back, triceps, traps, and your forearms. Your leg days you will be doing at least one squat and one deadlift type of exercise, to train your Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, Calfs, and lower back. 

Some only train abs once per week but I’ve recently read and started training them for every workout for better results. Push/Pull/Leg workouts allow you to work out 6x’s per week or 3x’s per week with your schedule.


This type of routine is great for those who just love going to the gym and want to maximize their results for quicker improvements. This type of routine allows for more rest for the other muscle groups while cranking up the volume training for results.

The Push/Pull/Leg split just allows for more muscle stimulation, through increased frequency and volume training. It allows for your muscle groups to get worked 2x’s per week. This great for those guys who have the time and want to get quicker results. This type of training can be a good way to prevent overtraining.

The split routine is good for me because of the variety of exercises I can substitute. Whereas the Full body workout can get repetitive doing the same compound exercises all of the time. This routine is best if you’ve worked out for a while and have some experience. It’s great for those who are looking to get results quicker!


If you are going to do this type of workout, you need to have your nutrition and sleep need to be dialed in. You can easily start to overtrain, even if your workout isn’t balanced and you are waiting for 48 hrs before attacking that muscle group again.

Lastly, if you miss a workout on a push/pull/leg day your routine is going to be highly affected. Here is a sample of this routine.


  • Standing Barbell Overhead Press 3x 6-8 reps
  • Incline Dumbell Press 3x 6-8 reps
  • Dips (weighted if normal dips are too easy) 3x 6-8 reps
  • Reverse skull crushers 3x 6-8 reps
  • Cable Crossovers 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Lateral cable raises 3x 6-8 reps


  • Romanian Deadlift 3x 6-8 reps
  • Barbell row 3x 6-8 reps
  • Pull-ups 3x 6-8 reps
  • Barbell curls 3x 6-8 reps
  • Cable face pulls 3x 6-8 reps
  • Dumbell shrugs 3x 6-8 reps


  • Squat 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Leg Press 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Leg extensions 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Lying Leg curls 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Seated calf raises 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Lunges(with dumbells when body weight becomes easy) 3 x 10-12 reps

Full Body Workout

The full-body split is great because you are able to hit each muscle group more than one time per week versus the traditional bodybuilding split, where you will only hit each muscle group may be one time per week. With this type of program generally, you will be doing it every other day maybe three to four times a week allowing rest before hitting all those major muscle groups again.

There’s not much complicated about the full-body split workouts, basically, you hit every major and minor muscle group within the same workout. While using certain compound exercises With some isolation movements as well.

When you’re doing the full-body split the basics are to include at least three compound exercises are in each workout. These exercises are a compound pull, push, and leg exercise.

After you’ve covered these three compound movements which are the bases a full body split workout you can mix in some isolation and other exercises to work on areas of your body that are underdeveloped. If you’re going to use the full-body split typically you will be working out every other day, somewhere between three to four times a week. 


One of the biggest pros, is you don’t have to spend too much time at the gym. For those who don’t have a lot of extra time, this might be a good fit for you. It is also great for beginners and intermediate lifters.

Compound exercises really teach you how to build strength and to practice on your form. In my opinion, it’s better then the bro split traditional bodybuilding routine.

Volume and frequency are why I like it, you are hitting a muscle group 3x’s per week. Volume and frequency are important to improve strength and muscle, especially for natural lifters.

Full-body routines cause you to burn more calories, this is important if you want to build muscle while burning fat. You can’t burn as many calories with isolation exercises as you can with compound exercises.

If you miss a workout or two it’s good for being able to jump back in where you left off. Full-body workouts are good for those who have a hard time recovering, which overtraining is a real thing.


While no training program comes without negatives, the full-body routine may leave those who are more advanced feeling unsatisfied with their workouts. The sheer number of volume on a full body is less, you could offset this by adding in some isolation movements.

Then you run into adding more isolation movements which add more time spent in the gym. You also need to manage your intensity for each workout. When doing compound exercises and hitting major muscle group s 3x’s per week you can overtrain.

While weight should be moderate to heavy your form is key! This is why you may need to scale down one of your workouts intensity and make it a lighter day to prevent from overtraining. Even more so if you are a beginner. Your workouts can become too routine and boring during a full body split.

Here is a sample of a full-body split.

  • Barbell Squat 3 x 5-6 reps
  • Barbell Bench Press 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Bent-over Barbell lift 3 x 6-8 reps
  • Upright Barbell row 3 6-8 reps
  • Ab work 3x 8 reps

I like to train my abs on every workout now, it’s something new that I’ve added. I’m not perfect about it but I try to remember to them after my warmup before I get into my lifts.

Which one of these Workouts is Best for Beginners?

The full body split is going to be best for beginners or for someone who doesn’t have much time to workout. As mentioned previously, getting in high volume on the same exercise is awesome for training beginners the motor movement patterns for each exercise.

when you learn the movement patterns not only are you getting the form down for increased muscle but are also preventing injuries. You can’t go wrong with the full-body split it’s a very solid workout routine and allows for high volume for your muscles.

I’ve been working out for over 15 years and trained like a meathead and I got away for many years with my genes and being naturally strong. Making sure you are doing a program is a no brainer, but the most important thing above all programming is being consistent.

Consistency is key when it comes to getting the body and health that you want. At the end of the day it’s not rocket science, get in and lift some weights with good form and moderate to heavyweight!

Key Points

Push/Pull/Leg Split

  • are great for those who are more advanced with weight lifting
  • allows for more volume on muscle groups and more rest in between workouts
  • can quickly lead to overtraining if your diet and rest is not on point

Full Body Split

  • Full body split is excellent for beginners or intermediate lifters
  • Full body split allows for less time in the gym
  • Can become boring over time or for those who are advanced lifters or athletes

Consistency is one of the biggest ways to improve your health and build muscle. If you are busy and not able to make it to the gym, or want to change it up, here are some good at-home options.

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